Blog post

Intuition: How to Always Make the Right Decision


“and once she realised the art of letting go was the art of looking within, she was free…
Free from the stress of doing the wrong thing, going the wrong way. When you let go of the fear of making the wrong decision, a calm mental spaciousness follows.
At this point, the chance to make the right decision emerges.

Intuition is an interesting concept.

It’s often mocked in society because, like many spiritual practices, intuition is a process of being. Our societal culture has evolved to follow a dogma of doing in order to seek success.
I’m not saying you should just sit and wait for things to come to you. Of course, the action of doing is still required but not necessarily from start to finish.

You know the old “listen to your gut instinct” concept? We’ve all no doubt advised this to others at least a handful of times in our lives so far.
Well, don’t underestimate this saying because said gut instinct is a serious force to be reckoned with.

🤩 Intuition is force of universal intelligence which is omnipresent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And yes, you too can tap into this higher intelligence whenever you need answers.


💘 So, what actually IS intuition?

When your intuition is strong, you are able to understand how to deal with a situation by instinct rather than conscious reasoning.
Rational thinking and decision making is often assessed using our fifth sense, also known as the ego or unconscious mind.
If you read my blogs, the words “unconscious mind” and “ego” spring up a LOT, as this is the mind’s voice from which our many thousands of thoughts and emotions arise each day.
This voice which at times believes it is always right is also the voice which often views the world with fear and second guesses itself.

Our intuition on the other hand, speaks through us as our sixth sense. Our authentic self which knows only joy, compassion and truth as the way of life.

🤩 When your intuition is strong, creativity flows with ease.

You’re more productive and you see the solutions over the problems in a given situation.
It becomes easier to make the right decision when you raise your vibrational frequency from mind voice to soul voice.
By tapping into your spiritual guidance, like a magnet you will attract signs and sensations communicating to you in every day life which choices to make.
At this point you need to be observant and aware of your surroundings wherever you go in order to read these messages.

🤩 The benefits of intuition strengthening are extensive.

I mentioned above the outcomes in real life situations, however, intuition majorly assists with self-development and exploration.
Psychic development makes you more intimate and trusting with yourself which enhances self-love.
There’s no doubt that in order to be successful in life, you MUST truly believe in yourself and your capabilities, definitely and humbly.

This is self-love in the most honest and authentic way possible.

Don’t get confused with arrogance, if you believe your greatness is better than somebody else’s, this is your mind’s voice talking again.

When you are aligned directly and actively with your higher power and you begin to observe the messages communicated to you in your surroundings, you can continue to build on this and in time, there will be nothing you cannot achieve.


💘How can I strengthen my intuition?

There are many targeted exercises which you can do, (stay tuned & I might reveal those which have been the most powerful for me in a future blog post) but the ultimate starting point is to simply quiet your mind.

How so?

🤩 Engage in activities which don’t require so much thought!! 

The less mental chatter, the more room available for your truth to speak through.

Examples of these are: meditation, yoga, colouring, drawing, painting, basking in nature, listening to peaceful music – the sort.

When you eliminate the constant distractions of everyday life, your inner wisdom can have its say.

Surrender to the present moment and abandon the need to figure out the solution through incessant dissection of your problems.


~ Trust in yourself and the universal energy that put you here in the first place… ~


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Tori xoxo


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