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Welcoming Change into Life (11.11.11)


When you see the numbers 1111 frequently around you, for example the time 11:11, this is an indicator that change is coming in some form. On a deeper spiritual level, it’s communication from the universe  pointing you in the right direction to stay on track in your life’s path.

The number 1 represents new beginnings which is what makes 11.11.11 such a powerful day.
11th November 2018. (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11)
We are experiencing big energetic shifts at this time. Between October 31 – December 31, spiritual energy is at its most intense on earth as we enter the half way stage between equinox and solstice, so this is the ideal time to take on change head first.


🌚 Releasing the old

We’re focussing on shedding the layers of unwanted energy. What no longer serves you? What’s holding you back from aligning with the best version of yourself? Observe your surroundings… What are the signs? What realisations are you having about elements of your life? Be aware of random bursts of energy and clarity. What are these in response to? This is powerful synchronicity with the universe. Your soul voice is presenting the path you need to follow and the changes you need to implement to keep on track. Set concrete intentions when you channel these realisations.

Expect new beginnings regarding relationships (romantic or not), finances and values. Furthermore, in light of the new moon in Scorpio, these new experiences could centre around themes such as sensuality, rebirth and death.


🌓 Looking back

The 11.11.11 energy portal hasn’t opened since 2011 so this is the time to look back and reflect on what you’ve learnt and how you’ve grown, not just in the last year but in the preceding 6 before as well.

How has 2018 been for you so far? It’s a significant year in astrology regarding change and evolution. If it’s been intense and perhaps not your best year yet, expect things to pick up as new opportunities begin to enter your life.


🌝 Moving forward

Welcome new beginnings, make friends with change and embrace uncertainty. Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the bigger picture. When you fall into these anxiety patterns you drop out of alignment with your higher self. Take each day as it comes and focus on what you can do in the next 24 hours as your stepping stones to the goal. It’s about the journey not the destination after all… 😉


☯️ Mantras

Mantras are powerful tools to affirm who you are and attract what you want. They are particularly effective in meditation. Focussing on a few words will help you centre yourself and stay present. Furthermore, turning your attention away from the thoughts and mental chatter occupying your mind. Here are some examples of useful mantras to navigate transition.


  • “I am safe” – links to the root chakra, the energy base at the root of the spine. This is a powerful mantra to ground yourself and establish stability.
  • “Aum/Om” – the most common Sanskrit mantra. Om is the universal vibration and key for channelling creativity and manifestation.
  • “I am grateful for all that is unfolding in my life” – Gratitude is key in attracting positive circumstances into your life. Also, by opening yourself to trust and acceptance of the moment, you pave the way to manifest more of what you desire into reality.

alt="Ganesh Symbolism Image" title="Ganesh Elephant Life Lessons" />

(Ganesh – God of wisdom & prosperity)


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Namaste friends,

Tori xoxo


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