Blog post

Lunar Eclipse & Super Full Moon in Sagittarius ⦿ 26th May 2021


Wow, this event is a biggie.. ⚡️ 🌕 🌙

This is the first total lunar eclipse we’ve had in 2.5 years.

Lunar Eclipses are a culmination of what has been transforming on the inside.

They also create an acceleration in our space time reality in our spiritual growth – ascending faster into a new or higher state of awareness.

This is a major moment to really commit to letting go of something(s) no longer serving you and open your heart to what you want to become and explore next.

Sagittarian energy is adventurous, curious and creative ♐️

It’s a good time to embrace your childlike curiosity as it will guide you to where you are meant to go next. But Sagittarius in combination with the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse means, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!! Something may suddenly exit your life, or you may receive some life-changing news soon…

Maybe you’ve already been feeling a restructuring process happening lately…?

Some sort of redirection taking shape somewhere in your life…?

Some kind of change which you know you MUST make? Even if the outcome isn’t obvious yet?

This May Full Moon, also known as the Flower or Blood Moon, is one of the largest of the year and its energies don’t hold back in potency. Not just on a personal level, but on a societal level too.

The world is continuing to purge the out-dated societal; institutional dogma, quick judgements and false truths that have kept us caged in and unaware of other; more fulfilling possibilities of reality.

Thanks to the Eclipse occurring in Gemini, we are given the enthusiasm and opportunity to create a new reality, new life choices, new values and a new direction towards what truly fulfils us on a soul level.


🌛 What you can do to make the best of this major lunar event:

  • Ground in your body at least once a day so you can see and feel more clearly what you need from a fuller, wiser perspective. This could be: spending time in nature, breath work, meditation, general exercise, eating natural & whole foods.
  • Choose love as your response by showing it to yourself and others in some tangible way even when you want to resist, judge, justify.
  • Rather than running away from what’s troubling you, turn inwards towards your shadows and ask what your soul really needs to feel better and grow in this moment.

Most eclipses ask us to confront the challenging aspect of ourselves or may re-surface past trauma to invite us to heal on a deeper level, however this Lunar Eclipse is different. 

We live in a world with expectations and responsibilities pile on top of us – enforced by ourselves and those around us.

In the personal and spiritual development world, most of us also pile on umpteen expectations, objectives and goals to tick off our to-do lists.

The feeling of impatience to become your best self as fast as possible easily becomes a trick of the spiritual ego – unconsciously living for the outcome instead of focussing what’s here now.


Some questions for self-reflection with this Full Moon 

So, in light of the above, what is just one goal or area of life you can solely focus on right now?

What is one hardship you can shed to make you feel lighter and brighter?

Rather than achieving something for the benefit of others (ie: family or friends) what do YOU really want? Just for yourself, deep down?

Can you level up and embrace the uncomfortable feelings?


In conclusion, this powerful moon is encouraging you to return home to YOU.

Switching off from the incessant noise streaming out from the world and honouring some major and necessary growth that you can make for yourself right now as we move into a new earth.

Making it a priority to conceive and take action on creating the life you want to live.

Reflecting internally, researching, expressing, breathing, quietly observing, whatever helps you connect to your inner truth.

Preparing yourself to receive the dream that is rightfully yours. NOW.


If you are not sure how to start connecting to your true needs, tomorrow I am holding a masterclass all about this, through the power of your intuition.

This online event is completely FREE and happening LIVE on Zoom on Wednesday 26th May at 8pm CET / 7pm BST / 2pm EST / 11am PST.

✨ Sign up through this link here! ✨


I would love to know if you’ve been receiving these energies already.. Full Moons and Eclipses are powerful events, so the energy can be felt already 1 week before. Sometimes even longer!

Comment below or send me a direct message through Instagram!


Check out my post on the previous major lunar event, New Moon in Taurus ★ 11th May 2021


Sending you strength & love to be introspective and courageous in these transformative times!!

Tori xoxo

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