Blog post

Manifest Your Wildest Dreams EASILY!


Do you look at successful people or celebrities who seem to have sailed through life with “ease” and achieved the craziest things?

Do you often have reoccurring, deep seated fantasies and envisions of yourself prospering just like them? Can you imagine arriving on stage, met with blinding lights and an audience of thousands of people applauding and cheering your name? Or making a scientific discovery that will revolutionise all of humanity? Or holding the #1 spot on the top 100 Billboard charts as well as having 5 albums go double platinum?

It feels good imagining that doesn’t it? Really good…

But then, a little voice in your head pops up and convinces you otherwise.

“Seriously? There are over 7 billion people in the world and x number of people in this same industry wanting to pursue the same goal as you. The ODDS are against you. Yeah you’ve got talent and if you were in the right place at the right time, well wouldn’t that be lucky… But look how this person has already won a DJ competition and will be making their radio debut next month. Or look how this person has accumulated 50k followers on each social media platform AND 3 sponsorships. And where are you? No where. Just sat in your bedroom daydreaming your life away… Realistically it’s not gonna happen. Snap out of it and join the real world and get down to the job centre.”

Sound familiar? Do you often BELIEVE what that voice is telling you as if it’s your own?

I thought so.


Plot twist: you don’t have to believe what your mind is telling you.

What I find the most interesting about success stories are the people that came from absolutely nothing. No education, no motivation from their families and not a single worthy connection to society. And there have been a few!
How did they do it?!
Two simple words: BELIEF & ACCEPTANCE.

When you are truly passionate about something and feel in the depths of your gut and soul that you are meant to achieve it, you can. If you can’t imagine life any other way and are willing to work hard and not be setback by failure, I can guarantee that you can make whatever fuels your fire become a real-life inferno.

But in order to manifest your burning desires, it all depends on how you organise your thoughts.

Sound easy? Well it really is. Life genuinely doesn’t have to be as hard as you so “think”. However, it’s important to remember that success doesn’t happen overnight, and as important as it is to focus on your goal, don’t get overwhelmed by the end of the road but concentrate on what small step(s) you can take in the next 24 hours to get you on your way. No matter how small.

I’m not writing this as someone’s who’s achieved everything they could have wanted because, well I haven’t. But I’ve had some life changing experiences that have affirmed to me that this method works.

The Law of Attraction, albeit hasn’t been scientifically proven, I am firm believer that just because something can’t be explained by science, doesn’t mean it can’t be real.
What you see isn’t always all that is there, but the power of FEELING is so much greater.

Example: I was 14 and living in Edinburgh having moved from Brussels where I’d lived most of my life. To cut to the chase I hated it and wanted to move back to my old life where I was surrounded by people and places that were fulfilling and blossoming. My Dad wasn’t having luck securing a permanent job in Edinburgh and began broadening his horizons elsewhere but my parents would repeatedly tell me to stop moping and accept that, that chapter of my life was over. No matter how many times they said it, I’d ignore them and continue to believe I would go back as I felt deep inside my time wasn’t done there.
I learnt about the Law of Attraction and applied it to manifest my only hope, and lone behold, I made the impossible become POSSIBLE.

Step 1: Set your intention

I was clear in my mind that I wanted my Dad to get a new job in Brussels, so my family would move back and I could resume at my old school with my friends. I’d imagine the progression of this scenario including the finer details such as: first day back at school, what I’d be wearing, the time of our flight back and what subjects I’d be studying.

Step 2: Acceptance of your present circumstances & GRATITUDE

In order to attract the circumstances you so desire, it’s essential to completely accept, love and appreciate where it is you are in this exact moment. The key to positive output is positive input. By raising your energetic vibrations to a higher level and not allowing yourself to be offset by everyday “stresses”, your magnetism will draw the people and tools you need in order to make your dreams come true.
I kept a gratitude journal which I would write in every morning upon awakening and give thanks to everything that benefitted me the day before. When going through a time feeling like the world is against you, it’s important to find solace in the smallest of positives. Whether it was thanking for the sun shining, or my Mum cooking me dinner, or the feeling of warmth and comfort snuggled under a blanket by the fire; they’re all significant.
It was through this practice that I began to realise it’s the simple things in life that keep us going and restore faith in our lives and the world around us.

Step 3: Gradual progression

Little by little, good things started happening to me and as I began to register the law of attraction was working, I focussed harder than ever to enlarge the size of these positive circumstances and really IMAGINE what it would feel like to make this dream come true. I’d maintain a happy mind set despite hating the place where I spent the majority of my week.

Step 4: Manifest & live the dream

& Then it happened. I remember this so clearly. I’d been aware there was a job possibility in Brussels for my Dad which made me sure the Law of Attraction was working and so, I put every ounce of my daily energy into believing it to the point where I was expecting it to happen just as I’d expect the weather to be overcast most days. (Living in Scotland remember) I was on my laptop watching videos from the 2011 gymnastics world championships (this sport being what made me happier than anything else in the world), and my Dad came into my room and sat on my bed. He just looked at me with the biggest smile of his face. Didn’t say a word. Just smiled one of the brightest smiles I’d ever seen.
I don’t think I’d ever felt as euphoric as I did in that one moment, or have since.

In that one moment, I realised I really do have the power to rule life and not let life rule me.

I’ll wrap up my first blog post with a quote to think about,

“Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on what you think.”

Are you aware of the manifesting powers of the Law of Attraction?
Have you had any personal experiences where you’ve made the impossible become possible?

Leave your comments below! 🌺


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